14 mayo, 2006

Snowman meets Trnka

a wonderful and magical EST(Experimental SoundTrack)

9 comentarios:

aditya hari dijo...

really nice stuff! is this a sinevara project?

Slhh dijo...

Thanks Aditya. Snowman lost his head is a sub-group of sinevara. you can see more of snowman on http://snowmanlosthishead.blogspot.com

Slhh dijo...

Amb és comentaris interplanetaris ens esteim fent internacionals. Aço és brutal Dani. Gracies per posar es video.Thanks.

dani dijo...

mola eh? (comentari local!)...ja veus! fins de ses terres d'en Mogli i tot que conecten! açò des TeuTubu realment és una bona eina per donar a conèixer música amb imatges perque sa gent es queda ben pillada...
es una meravella i una alegria poder ser particep de tota aquesta explosió creativa que està succeint a Ciutadella.Gràcies a tu mestre Inuit!
ara farem una International Comment!...
Ah!Aditya!sorry but we speak sometimes in our aboriginal language!thanks for yur interest and yur support...tell yur friends man!respects!

aditya hari dijo...

i tried translating on google, i tried Spanish to English...dint work. Portugese to English showed a few words

Anónimo dijo...

couse is not spanish, try to translate from catalan, google doesnt have the option but check some other dictionaries.
poros from up north

Anónimo dijo...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

Anónimo dijo...

Hellllllou, people!!!!! I am the man on the moon. This blog is very interesting and i like the music of this.The spanish people his very very friki.Traducinc this: lasuelademizapatoestarota.orgia

Anónimo dijo...

man on the moon...mmmh....????
a man with a broken bambas....mmhhhh??!!